NSC Liaison Teleconference on 4/23/09
Verma Law Firm
According to the NSC reports, they are on schedule with their projected processing goals by September 30, 2009.
All I-131s and I-765s are being processed as soon as they are received, except for the I-765s for OPT, which have a few weeks delay in processing time. The NSC electronically screens the cases so the examiners have everything available at the time of reviewing the cases. Once all security checks are clear, the cases are sent to an examiner.
By June 30, 2009, the NSC plans to have all cases pre-adjudicated, even in the case when a visa is not available, or when the security checks have not yet cleared.
For Adjustment of Status cases that become unavailable in the EB-3 category, attorneys do not need to contact the NSC with regard to fingerprints as the NSC has reinstituted the "Refresh" program for fingerprints. NSC will try to apply the refresh program first in all cases, instead of asking to go back to the ASC. And, even if the NSC cannot refresh the fingerprints, if visas are unavailable, the NSC will wait until visas are available again. The NSC refreshed all FPs that they could up to the present. The NSC stated that the online case status are routinely checked and updated. NSC stated that if there are any issues with online case status , the applicant should contact USCIS headquarters.
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